
How healthy and energetic is your company? 

Healthy, energetic and motivated employees are the engine of a successful company. The government also considers your employees’ health to be important. Which is why the Working Conditions Act sets out a number of requirements. These help you make a positive contribution to your employees’ physical and mental health.

ArboNed will be pleased to help you with solutions that suit your company. We provide you the tools so you can do it yourself, we do it together with you or you can have it done and we do it for you. 

Checklist: How healthy is your company?

Energetic employees enjoy their work more, are less likely to be stressed and have more energy. They are more productive and less likely to be sick. Are you doing the maximum to keep your company healthy and vital? Find out with this checklist.

Download the checklist

cover practical guide work-stress

Preventive Medical Examination (PME or POHE)

One of the requirements from the Working Conditions Act is that you should offer your employees a Preventive Medical Examination (PME). The PME gives your employees a clear picture of their health and advice on how they can improve it – resulting in a healthy and energetic company while reducing absence and costs. View more information about our PMEs here.

The risks highlighted in the RAE provide the basis for the PME. So it is important to first make sure your RAE is up to date. The Dutch Labour Inspectorate monitors this.

Working together on a vital company with ArboNed

Focusing on health and vitality in your company will help you prevent absence. We’ll be happy to help. Your regular contact can inform you of the possibilities. Or check our page on a healthy company and improving health in Dutch.

Read more on a healthy company (in Dutch)